
All posts for the month June, 2015

Warriors Thru Prayer-an introduction

Published June 30, 2015 by GenYMission

So… in case you missed the 40 comment long conversation I had with Daleenc on my last post, it led to this website, you are going to have to read the intro post. It’s going to be a big prayer thing!!!
Anyways, this is exciting

Warriors Thru Prayer

Sometimes God works in mysterious ways. You have probably heard that before and you might be nodding in agreement, or thinking that that is the cheesiest thing ever. Whatever your stand is, this is our story. This is how we got started, and we have no doubt that this was an act of God!

This blog was started by two teenage bloggers. Myself, being Owlivia, and another teen blogger by the username of Daleenc.

It all started when I posted a blog update, it was just a brain dump sort of update, and had no real direction. I actually had no idea why I wanted to publish that post, but I did.

In the post contained this paragraph:

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 9.22.42 PM

(Sorry if it’s blurry) The point is I typed in this line, with no real thought as I didn’t actually think I would make a difference right then, and I actually thought…

View original post 180 more words

I need to just write…

Published June 30, 2015 by GenYMission

Hello all of you awesome readers.

Now that summer is here and stuff I have had an unfortunate case of writers block.

Sure at the beginning of the summer, I was excited and overflowing with the things I was going to write on here.

Then I went on a missions trip, and when I came back I just had no idea where to start writing (I still have 2 awards that I need to complete but I’ll probably wait for blogging U to start before I fill those out, those are just hard to do when you aren’t feeling it.)

I want to spill out my entire soul writing about the missions trip that I went on too, but sometimes it is just really hard to write with emotion, I guess because sometimes words cannot describe everything. (Do you guys get it?)

I signed up for the blogging U courses in July, not really to do the challenges (Although I mighty them) as much as to meet more bloggers.

I learned to shuffle cards this week, with the whole riffle shuffle or however that goes with the bridge finish. (I learned, but my technique really needs a lot of work) This is relative to the big picture of things because maybe I will learn to do card tricks and then use card tricks to get peoples attention and then tell them something really important… Like advertising.

This post has no real direction in case you were wondering it is just a random conglomeration of thoughts… which makes me feel like people with important blogs and that can write well will judge me, but that’s okay, I moderate these comments.

So, do any of you ever feel like you have a bunch of ideas that could go places, but people don’t recognize that. I feel like that sometimes. A lot actually. It would be cool to have someone who just helps me grow my ideas. Like, I could tell them how I’d like to just go up and pray with random people, but that thought is intimidating and they would say “Well we could do it together” and it would be okay and we would just think together of ways we could show God’s love because I think that’s cool, except I live in what I suppose would be an introverted town and things like that aren’t cool here. *sigh*

That really makes my heart sad, because I want to be God’s servant, but I’m not sure what to do about it… but that is another post entirely…

To head in yet another direction with this post, I have done a few more things from that awesome summer bucket list I made a while back, and I need to post about those things too.

Alright, I think I’ve moved your brain in enough directions already to those of you who are still reading. Thank you for letting me dump out my brain here. (welcome to the inner workings of my brain, by the way) If we were to have a real life conversation, this is how it would most likely go.

Thank you for reading my brain all of you awesome readers.

P.S. This post was weird, I’m sure of it, but there is no way that I’m reading it because I have to post this…just because!

The Beautiful Blogger Award

Published June 27, 2015 by GenYMission

Hello all of you readers of this blog!

Today, I was going to post something about the missions trip that I just went on because it was awesome and I learned so much!!!

But then, I got nominated for 3 DIFFERENT BLOGGING AWARDS the week I was gone!

(WHAT, seriously! You guys are awesome!!! 🙂 )

So, I will post that thing about the missions trip later, and get caught up on this first!

I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger award by gxxdbye Agony!

Thanks so much for that!!!

So anyways, here are the rules!

  1. Thank The blogger who nominated you.
  2. List 7 random facts about yourself
  3. Nominate seven bloggers.

So for the 7 facts now:

1.  I am weirdly obsessed with things that glow. This includes glowsticks, fireflies and glow-in-the-dark stars. I mean my eyes will just stare at such things and they make me really happy. This also applies to anything that is illuminated, like stars and lava lamps and any such items.

2. I am REALLY excited to see the movie Inside Out! (Hopefully I can do that Friday!

3. I used to have bunch of really irrational fears like fire, and drains and public restrooms. Now they are less irrational, like now I’m afraid of the ice machine noises I hear in the middle of the night actually being serial killers that snuck in somehow that will go from room to room murdering us.

4. I love handwritten notes and letters.

5. I have never been out of the country.

6. My favorite animals are foxes, owls and turtles.

7. I have a really hard time coming up with facts about myself when I need them…

Okay, now time for the nominations!

1. Daleenc


3.Hideaway Girl

4.Sherina Harris


6.Sweet Aroma


Well I guess that was it… (By the way, I was a slacker this past week and it only took me about one week to finish this post)

Interview with Daleenc from “Thoughts from a Christian Cowgirl”

Published June 21, 2015 by daleenc

Hello my lovely Readership, it’s me, Owlivia! Actually, this post will consist of both me and another blogger. You may or may not know her, she comes from Thoughts from a Christian Cowgirl, she is Daleenc

You see, the two of us met over word press when she found a random post of mine (I forget which one that was) and she suggested we guest post on each others blogs. So, long story short, this interview is an intro for Daleenc on untainted and Odd. Be sure to check out her blog! For this post, my questions will be bolded, and her answers will be unbolded.

1. What inspired you to start a blog?

I wanted to connect to the world and share my life with more people. A blog seemed to be the easiest way to do it. And plus, my best friend was doing it. What better reason is there than that? 🙂

2. What is the story behind your username?

Well, sorry to disappoint you all, but there’s no story. Nothing. Nada. Nope.

3. What is your very best memory?

Umm… The day grandpa and I brought Coaly Grey back from J.W’s. It was three hours down there filled with hopeful anticipation and three hours back with excited dreaming and the amazing realization one of my biggest and longest dreams.

4. If you had a theme party, what would the theme be and what kinds of things would you have there?

Dude. Umm. Well. I’ve never had a theme party and I’ve never been to one. Have I mentioned that I’m terrible at planning? I guess I would have it to be a theme about…umm….Compassion International and maybe it’d see if I could get a Compassion guest speaker but then again I’m not sure that if have enough friends for them  to bother…. I sponsor two children through Compassion and love it. 🙂

5. What had been your greatest success?

Oh my. Greatest success? I really don’t know. I’m very goal oriented. I love the success when it happens but after that, it’s hard for me to remember. So enie meanie minie moe…..I’ll say when I finished my book, Out of the Shadows. I didn’t stop grinning for days.

6. Do you want to change the world? If so, how?

Yes! Yes!! Yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!!!!!!!! How? By donating money to Compassion, by voting right (when I finally turn eighteen), by fostering kids, by adopting, by being a friend, by smiling.

7. Do you think it’s still good even if you only change the world of one person?

I think that depends…a lot. Do I change one person’s world and then quit because ‘I’ve fulfilled my destiny’? No. That’s not good. Not at all.  But do I try to help more? Try to help more people? But for some reason I only change one? Sure. That’s fine. Perfectly.

8. What’s your favorite thing to learn about?

Weird and wacky facts. 🙂 Or  whatever I’ve just got a sudden wacky obsession about. 🙂 Like right now, I’m stuck on learning about Alexander the Great’s battle tactics (which I keep saying because I am, I just haven’t made it to the library yet to actually get any books…) and World War 2 woman heroes. Noor Inyat Khan and such. 🙂

9. What are the names of a few of your favorite toys as a kid?

Probably my most prized possession that I had (and still have…somewhere) was my Build-A-Bear named Carly after one of my cousins/Aunts/something like that who had breast cancer (she survived). I dressed Carly up as a, yup, cowgirl. And then there is my Pinto horse and cowboy from Schleich. The horse is Oklahoma, cuz I thought that would be just an awesome name for a horse. He was the start of my model horse collection.

10.  What are the names of some of the toys you have now..(I know you have a few)

I already named them!!! 😀 Carly and Oklahoma.

11. What is your favorite fairy tale?

I’m not really into fairy tales…but I’d have to say Arabian Nights. 🙂 Because I can’t pick just one. So Arabian Nights.

12.  What is your favorite story that is not a fairy tale?

Oh shoot. Robin Hood for starts. Is that a fairy tale? I don’t know. Call of the Wild and White Fang. Little House on the Prairie. Home Before Morning and I Met God in Soviet Russia are pretty good too. I also like The Histories by Herodotus and Women Heroes of World War 1 and Women Heroes of World War 2 by Kathryn J. Atwood. I like 39 Clues (I know, I know, a kid book), and Hunger Games, but Divergent had too much romance in it for me. I’m not a romance person. The Black Stallion is awesome, and I love Buck. It’s about this boy and his sheep…and it’s pretty cool. Ben-Hur and The Bronze Bow. The Taming of Cheetah. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The Walk Across America. I could go on naming books for ever. 🙂

I.Will. Never. Have. One. Favorite. 😉

13. What are your favorite words?

Dude. Seriously? JK!!!! (I have a really bad habit of teasing my friends over iMessages.) To make a short story longer. Who, me?

14. Do you like Disney? What is your favorite Disney movie? (This is obviously an important question)

I’m not the biggest fan of Disney, no. But now that they’ve bought Star Wars….well, I’m just hoping that they don’t mess up this new one and  that it will actually be good. And that it won’t be full of junk I don’t want to see and my fingers are crossed. All my fingers are crossed. Tightly.

its kida hard to rype like thid. kids, dint try this ay hoem.

15. How did you meet your best friend?

I actually have several BFs. I’m seriously, seriously thinking about trying to change from BF to VSF (Very Special Friend). Not that BF is bad, but I have several people that I am very close to and BF sounds like it’s only one…

So I’ll tell you about all three of them (if you don’t mind) because they’re all the best people you could ever meet.

So for my first VSF, L.:

This is complicated. Really complicated. Like it was a miracle and we were destined by God to be friends.

So. My mom’s sister met my VSF’s mom’s sister. Mom’s sister introduced Mom to C. and then C. introduced Mom to C.’s mom. C.’s mom, A., then introduced Mom to my VSF’s mom, K. A. then started tell me (I was like three or four) about K.’s daughter, L., who was my age. But L. lived in Spain, where her parents where missionaries. So we exchanged letters. 🙂 I still have one. And finally, they moved back and we just hit it off together. We have opposite personalities and even out each other’s ruff edges perfectly. I’m trying to remember a time when I didn’t know her and she’s two months older than I am…So yeah. That’s how I met L.

Then there is P. Well, her real name is A., but she’s been called P. for as long as I can remember. P. came over with her dad one day to deliver wood. She’s five years older than me, so I don’t remember this at all, but according to her, we started playing doctor. I was the doctor and she was the patient…and yeah. But Grandpa kept having her over to help us on the farm in exchange for riding lessons and I would go riding with her. Before you knew it, she had her own horses and I was going over there. She has a job and is busy a lot, but we’re always talking together via iMessages. We’ve been VSF’s for as long as I can remember.

And then there’s J. Just because she’s last doesn’t mean a thing. I’ve actually known her less than any other VSFs but we hang out the most together. Mostly because she’s five minutes away from my house horseback (which is why I don’t get to see L. that much) and she doesn’t work (unlike P.) and so we can call up and say, ‘I’m going riding in 30 mins, you wanna come?’ And she’ll say ‘yup’ and we’ll go spend the afternoon together on our horses. But I met her through her older sister, P. One day, P. came over to ride and brought J. We just hit it off and continued to be VSF’s for forever. 🙂 J. is just one year older than me, so actually, I’m the youngest of all of my friends. But that doesn’t matter.

So now you all now everything about me!!! Thanks to you, Owlivia, for giving me this opportunity!!! I really appreciate it!!

Writing Challenge! (Oh, freestyle Writing!)

Published June 10, 2015 by GenYMission

Thank you Celestestranburk For nominating me for this Challenge!!!

It was fun, I wrote almost entirely dialog!


1. Open a blank Document
2. Set a stop watch or your mobile phone timer to 5 or 10 minutes, whichever challenge you prefer.
3. Your topic is at the foot of this post BUT DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY WITH YOUR TIMER!!!
4. Once you start writing do not stop until the alarm sounds!
5. Do not cheat by going back and correcting spelling and grammar using spell check (it is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write with correct spelling and grammar.)
6. You may or may not pay attention to punctuation or capitals.
7. At the end of your post write down ‘No. of words = ____” to give an idea of how much you can write within the time frame.
8. Do not forget to copy paste the entire passage on your blog post with a new topic for your nominees and copy paste these rules with your nomination (at least five (5) bloggers).

“Hello” I said as I answered my cell phone.

“Yes,” Said a nervous voice on the other end “I mean Hi…Hey…Whats up?”

It was my friend, Anthony. I had no idea why he was calling me at 10:00 at night!

“Wait” He said with a moments realization “This actually went through?”

“Yeah” I said smirking “What did you think would happen when you pressed the call button?”

“Well I don’t know, I didn’t know I actually pressed it for your information” He laughed nervously

“Well what were you doing then?” I interrogated.

“I was… Practicing!” He stammered.

“Practicing for what!” I pressed.

“For.. umm…asking you something…I wanted to do it right… so if you make me do it now… and I mess up, I haven’t had enough practice”

I rolled my eyes in a playful way, not that he could see. “Go on” I encouraged “I understand if you aren’t well enough practiced, but you may as well get it over with!”

He sighed dramatically, as if in defeat “Okay” He said in a slightly strained voice “Just do it” I heard him mutter to himself.

“Will you…” He began “Perhaps… go on a…” He gasped and coughed. Ever so dramatic Anthony. “DATE WITH ME”

No. of words: 208



Hideaway girl

Sly Campbell

Seth Campbell

Nates Novel

Word: Pigtails

Alright guys, thanks for reading!!! Have a wonderful day! 🙂

Wreck this journal

Published June 9, 2015 by GenYMission

today has been a reeaalllyy sssllloooowwww daaayyyy.

So I decided to take a look at my summer bucket list for some inspiration!

A wreck this journal, I have looked it up is a journal you do random stuff to, just to be creative or whatever. Also to relieve stress and anger and stuff.

Here is the journal that will be used:

As you can see, it was at one time supposed to be my weekend planner journal. That never happened and it’s practically empty.

(You have to look closely to see weekend planner scrawled out in pencil)

It has about 83 pages (counting front and back as one page) I probably lost track a couple of times though so it might not be completely accurate!

So this will be the journal you will see me wreck. First, I need to design a better cover for it, then, figure out what will happen to the pages inside! Here are a few ideas!

1:glitter (because glitter)

2: fill a page with circles

3: color an entire page

4: zen tangles 

5:make a list of favorite words

6: write backwards

7: write a word over and over

8: page of 5 letter words

9: trace my hand

10: draw on the entire page using one line, not overlapping

11: add some page numbers

12: glue magazine pics to a page 

13:paint with fingernail polish


Honestly, there’s a lot of pages in this journal, so I need help coming up with more ideas. Come on readership! Don’t be shy!

Comment some ideas for the what you’d like me to do to this thing!

Also, what should I do to the cover?

If you inspire me with an idea, I will mention you in a post dedicated to that page (and link to your blog)

The same goes for the bucket list! (Just to remind you about that, if you want to add to it)

Anyways, your all totally awesome, and great people!

Thank you for reading, once again, each and every one of you! 😉

Story writing

Published June 7, 2015 by GenYMission

So, the other day I was texting with my sister, and we were bored so decided to play the take turns writing  sentences to tell a story game. (Some of them ended up a couple of sentences, and a couple of them half sentences.)

I asked her if I could post the results on here, and she said yes. It got a little bit… interesting shall we say?

So here, I give you, The story of the rabbit dragon king!

Sister: Once upon a time,

Me: There was a world just like ours today, in fact, it was today!

Sister: Mr Fluffybunnykins was in the meadows of Macadamia.

Me: He was sure it was just another day, but alas, something was going to happen.

Sister: The dragon of Grand Central Macadamia was just awakening!

Me: Mr. Fluffy Bunny Guy was just nibbling at the macadamia fields, as the dragon spread his large wings and coughed a puff of flames.

Sister: It burnt his fluffy tail off!

Me: The rabbit was mortified, as tailless bunnies were often shunned in his community, so he knew he had to do something about it!

Sister: He got a false tail!

Me: So, he could function for a short while, but after a while he noticed other animals with fake tails too.

Sister: He was happy once again!


Sister: He and everyone with a false tail charged up the mountain AND…

Me: The dragon saw them coming and started crying.

Sister: They stopped to ask questions.

Me: “I’m sorry!” He exclaimed “I just have seasonal allergies!” *Sniff*

Sister:He sneezed and almost killed people.

Me: “OKAY FINE! I’ll see a doctor”

Sister: NO, WE WILL BRING THE DOCTOR TO YOU!” Said Mr. False tail.

Me: None of them knew any doctors so they all jumped on the dragon, which really only tickle him as he had a bunch of rabbits and squirrels and field mice were skittering across his scales.

Sister: The dragon laughed so hard he cried.

Me: He sneezed and produced a giant flame.

Sister: Killing half of the village.

Me: He felt so bad he started sobbing. 

Sister:They had to spear the dragon in the side, unleashing 1,000 gallons of blood and skinned him like a buck.

Me: Mr. Fluffy bunny tail took the dragons tail spikes and made them into a crown, and used a piece of his leathery skin as a cape.

Sister: He was king of the dragons.

Me: The end!

Obviously the story took an unexpectedly violent turn. But, I guess the animals wanted to stop the fiery injustice that was overtaking the village…

I really don’t know what happened, one minute my sister wants the story to end in a happy go lucky way, and I try and make it a bit more interesting and suddenly she decides “DRAGON DEATH!!! KILL THE DRAGON!!! UNLEASH ALL THE BLOOD!!! VIOLENCE!!!!

(I love you, sister)

Anyways, that’s the end! I hope you enjoyed it…

Thank you, sister, for the story writing and letting me post this! You are super!

and thank you readers for reading! You’re awesome! 🙂

Sisterhood of the World blogger award

Published June 6, 2015 by GenYMission

I’m pretty excited to be nominated for the sisterhood of the world blogger award. I was nominated by Daleenc for this award. She’s a teen blogger, like me 🙂 (By the way Daleenc, you are already my top commenter, besides myself) Check out her blog!


The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your site.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Nominate seven blogs.

My Nominations:

1. Hideaway girl

2. The Little Novice

3.A day in the life of a teenager

4. Dancing with fireflies

5. Kat

6. Teenage Diary online

7. Rambles and Stories

All of you are awesome, check out their blogs!

Answering the questions:

In one word, how would you like your readers to describe your blog?

Awesome… sure, let’s go with that 😉

Which is your most favorite among your blog posts? Why?

I guess, I have to go with my giant summer bucket list (100+ awesome things to do in the summer) Because it was after that post I feel like my content has improved at least a bit. Although it was after that post I was set free on summer vacation.

What, who inspires most of your blog posts?

Whatever I’m feeling like, whatever I feel like sharing. My experiences, everything. Anything. People, feelings, frustration, you get the point.

What do you inspire to accomplish this year?

Hmmm, before the end of 2015, I hope to survive the first half of my senior year (yikes) let’s make another goal to reach 100 followers, as it’s only halfway through the year and I’m already over 50! I inspire to write some fiction, to grow my schools writing club (Starting in the fall) have some nice, devotional time, pray more often, have fun, the possibilities are endless 🙂

What do you aspire to learn this year?

That’s a good question…I guess all kinds of things! Sign language would be fun, how to improve my writing,

Does making friends count as learning something? Yes, because we are learning things about people!

What is your most favorite book? Why?

I have a couple of favorite books. I adore the book ROOM. I’m not exactly sure why I like it so much, but it is brilliant. I guess I like t because it is told from a strange perspective. The perspective of a 5 year old. The story itself is a little bit weird, but I still like it.

I also like Mockingbird Not to be confused with how to kill a mockingbird or mockingjay. I love it, also because it is told from a strange perspective. This time from a girl with Aspergers syndrome. The story is kind of heavy, but it is an excellent book.

What’s the most courageous thing you  have ever done?

Well… I… uh… overlooked my fear of heights and rode on an airplane (I’m still afraid of heights) But I don’t think that’s great enough.

I just remembered: One time, my youth group took a missions trip, where I, a socially awkward person that everyone was sure was afraid to speak to strangers )because I am) With the help of God, talked to several people that week. That was an interesting week.

If you could be a superhero, what would be your superpower?

I would be a shape-shifter. So I could soar like an eagle, and then be tall… like a giraffe (I don’t know what I wold do as a giraffe, eat leaves I guess) and then swim as a fish…but I’d keep my human intelligence so it would be okay.

 Who is your female role model?

There is this teacher I had as a freshman, my freshman English teacher. Even though I’m a junior/senior, I still talked to her all the time last year. She’d just deal with me coming into her room at the end of most days and we’d talk for a few minutes. Well, the point is, she has been a huge supporter and encourager to me and is someone I look up to.

Okay, well I guess that’s it. If you were nominated, answer, nominate and DOMINATE!!!

If I did not nominate you, I love you anyways 🙂

Root beer floats

Published June 2, 2015 by GenYMission

Wow! 50 followers! I know some of you have more than that, but this is a great milestone for me! So, as promised, here is a short story written by me.

Street corner coffee shops suck. I suppose they are nice when you are an inspired author sipping a latte, or a teen chatting with friends over some mochachinos, but when your a 20 something who flunked out of college because your major was too ambitious, and your only option was a job at the busiest coffee shop in New York, than they suck.

I sighed in exhaustion as I collapsed into the bar stool. Today had been a particularly exhausting day. I really needed something stronger than coffee.

“One root beer float, extra ice cream” I said to the waiter.

Happy swirls ice cream bar was my ultimate place of relief.

As I waited for my float, a man with the hazel-eat eyes and the most medium brown hair walked into the shop.

He came into the coffee shop sometimes. I always noticed when he was there.

He walked up to the counter and sat a few stools down from me. “One root beer float, extra root beer” he said to the man.

He liked root beer floats too? This was too perfect!

I was staring at him, he looked up at me. I panicked and looked down.

The waiter sat my float in front of me.

Hazel eyes looked up and said “you like root beer floats too huh?”

“Yeah, with extra ice cream” and grinned

Well, that’s really not too great. A little cheesy.

I have a few big story ideas, I just have trouble getting them on paper (also I HATE naming the characters, that is the WORST part for me)

Anyways, thank you guys so much for following me. I’m going to try and bring back story time Saturday, this time with more fiction.

You guys are all awesome and beautiful and wonderful!!! 

Until next time, my dear readership 😉