
All posts for the month April, 2017

A post that I wrote in 2015 That I’m publishing 2 years later

Published April 2, 2017 by GenYMission

Hello Readers!

This post has been sitting in my draft file for 2 years, and I have no idea why I didn’t publish it. It’s a full post, so like… oh well… anyway, anything not bolded is what I said then, and bold voice is me interjecting two years later.

So… blogging is a learning experience. I have learned not to promise blog posts when I have a bunch of serious assignments due. So I think I’m just not going to promise posts for a pretty long time. 🙂

Anyways, I feel bad for not updating in a while. I’ve been working on my senior research project (which I did on how Asperger’s syndrome affects ability to communicate which was really interesting!)

How often have I said my blog posts need a point? pretty much every time I make a post.

Although as you can see from a couple of posts on here (like 2, literally) I have tried constructing what one would assume to be a “real blog post” before and I hated it because it felt so fake!

I’m never going to get the traffic for a real domain writing in the scatterbrained way that I do… oh well.. it’s pretty much torture trying to write in any other unnatural way.

This is funny, because posting in this unnatural way is why I cannot post in a different voice. I’ve tried several times, which I mentioned in my hiatus post. It didn’t go well.

Did I just say I was looking into a real domain? Yes I did, but not for a long time, as I’ve still got a lot to learn about blogging (Like everything) but looking at the plugins and things available through just gets me excited. Someday I might go in that direction (I will not be using the domain Untainted and Odd in any way shape or form if and when I do so jokes on you if you think about buying this domain before me 🙂 )

I still think it would be cool to have a real domain. No idea what I’d do with it, probably blog or something, but right now I’m not really sure how well that would go.

I am currently on the last week of my first semester of my last year of high school (translation: I’m halfway through my senior year!)

I’m 3/4th’s done with my freshman year of college!

Someday I should actually find some real content to post about instead of just balling all of my thoughts together and posting them as I do… That is not a promise… just a thought 🙂

My brain is still less put together than any post I’ve ever written, in case you were all wondering.

That will come someday… maybe… Probably not though TBH

Anyhow, I guess I should say, thank you for reading my lovely readership!

I think in order to start using this blog again I need to make a couple of changes to my site. 


A Blogging Hiatus

Published April 2, 2017 by GenYMission

I definitely went on quite the blogging hiatus for a while.

I didn’t really mean to, because I love every aspect of blogging ever.

What I had meant to do was simply start over, because as I was growing and changing, Untainted and Odd didn’t really seem like the right fit for a blog for me anymore. So I tried a new blog, and it didn’t work near as well as this one did.

I tried like 5 new blogs, thinking I was coming up with more clever titles, and it ended up not working near the same as this blog worked.

I think I know why it stopped working though.

When I first created this blog, my goal was to connect with other people. And that really happened. I met a lot of amazing people through this blog.

I never worried about my blogging style, or proofreading or anything of the sort. I would just write what I wanted in a pure voice that was my own.

As I moved through different blogs, I got caught up in the logistics of blogging, and I ended up getting stressed about it and getting such a massive writers block that I lost that free voice that I was able to us when blogging here.

But I want to blog again, with that same free style and pure voice that I used to. A lot has changed since then, and I’m a different person, but I know it is still in there!

Changed a bit, and older now, but it is still inside me. I have missed writing so much. I have missed being able to freely express myself and just have fun with writing.

So, I think I will consider what to do, and in the mean time, I am going to blog here a bit again.

About the craziness of life, about fun and encouragement, about everything.

I’ll keep you posted, my dear readership 🙂

-I know I used to sign off as Owlivia, but I kinda like the name NoctuaKnight now, and I think I’ll stick to that 🙂