A post that I wrote in 2015 That I’m publishing 2 years later

Published April 2, 2017 by GenYMission

Hello Readers!

This post has been sitting in my draft file for 2 years, and I have no idea why I didn’t publish it. It’s a full post, so like… oh well… anyway, anything not bolded is what I said then, and bold voice is me interjecting two years later.

So… blogging is a learning experience. I have learned not to promise blog posts when I have a bunch of serious assignments due. So I think I’m just not going to promise posts for a pretty long time. 🙂

Anyways, I feel bad for not updating in a while. I’ve been working on my senior research project (which I did on how Asperger’s syndrome affects ability to communicate which was really interesting!)

How often have I said my blog posts need a point? pretty much every time I make a post.

Although as you can see from a couple of posts on here (like 2, literally) I have tried constructing what one would assume to be a “real blog post” before and I hated it because it felt so fake!

I’m never going to get the traffic for a real domain writing in the scatterbrained way that I do… oh well.. it’s pretty much torture trying to write in any other unnatural way.

This is funny, because posting in this unnatural way is why I cannot post in a different voice. I’ve tried several times, which I mentioned in my hiatus post. It didn’t go well.

Did I just say I was looking into a real domain? Yes I did, but not for a long time, as I’ve still got a lot to learn about blogging (Like everything) but looking at the plugins and things available through wordpress.org just gets me excited. Someday I might go in that direction (I will not be using the domain Untainted and Odd in any way shape or form if and when I do so jokes on you if you think about buying this domain before me 🙂 )

I still think it would be cool to have a real domain. No idea what I’d do with it, probably blog or something, but right now I’m not really sure how well that would go.

I am currently on the last week of my first semester of my last year of high school (translation: I’m halfway through my senior year!)

I’m 3/4th’s done with my freshman year of college!

Someday I should actually find some real content to post about instead of just balling all of my thoughts together and posting them as I do… That is not a promise… just a thought 🙂

My brain is still less put together than any post I’ve ever written, in case you were all wondering.

That will come someday… maybe… Probably not though TBH

Anyhow, I guess I should say, thank you for reading my lovely readership!

I think in order to start using this blog again I need to make a couple of changes to my site. 


4 comments on “A post that I wrote in 2015 That I’m publishing 2 years later

  • The hang up is that school thing, huh? Well, that is what is important for you at this rime. Most of your blogging friends will wait. I’m happy you have almost a whole year completed in college. You will soon be an upper classman. Do they use that expression any more? It might not be gender neutral enough. I’m old school you know! 😀

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