
All posts for the month November, 2015

Obscure Holiday’s: November

Published November 1, 2015 by GenYMission

Have you ever heard from some crazy friend that some obscure holiday is today?

“It’s National plush animal lovers day!”

“Today is national hug a tennis player day!”

“I think tomorrow is national dress like a nerd day… so.. be yourself!”

There are tons of Nationally obscure holidays like that and today, I am giving you the opportunity to be the crazy friend that mentions them. And also some ideas on how to celebrate them. (For November at least! Tell me if you like it 🙂 )

November 2ndLook for circles day: I mean I suppose this sounds sort of lame, but imagine getting unnecessarily excited about it and pointing out random circles with an unnecessary amount of energy to your friends and acquaintances, and even strangers. The point is people will be happy you are putting in such an effort to look for circles. So happy that their happiness may bubble out of them and they will laugh. Bonus points if you wear a circle themed outfit!

November 3rd-Sandwich day: Eat a sandwich for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and a sandwich for dinner. Inquire what kind of sandwich everyone else is eating. If they don’t have a sandwich, ask them why “It’s national sandwich day, why would you skip a sandwich opportunity today of all days?” Switch the conversations back to sandwiches as often as possible.

November 7th- National book lovers day: Not too obscure but how cute is it they have a day for that. Read books. Talk about books. Adore Books. Be a book.

November 8th- Cook something bold day: Invite all your friends over for a potluck encouraging bold dishes. Or just cook something bold yourself. (What even is bold cooking? Eccentric? An extroverted dish? Spicy? This: Dish?)

November 13th- Sadie Hawkins Day: Wear Khaki pants. Dance. Ask people if they like your sweater. Listen to this song: Sadie Hawkins Dance

November 16th -Have a party with your bear day: Get a teddy bear and party. With balloons.

November 21st- World hello day: Learn hello in all kinds of different languages. Say hello to a bunch of people.

November the day after the day after thanksgiving-buy nothing day: Don’t buy anything.

I hope you enjoy celebrating these obscure holidays this month. 🙂 Thank you for reading.