
All posts tagged learning

12 favorite things about my senior year so far!

Published October 18, 2015 by GenYMission

I thought I’d share some of my favorite things about senior year so far!

  1. Becoming a part of the “chamber choir”- at my school, there’s 2 levels of choir (some years there are 3, but this year there are 2) men’s/women’s choir (depending on if you are a boy or girl respectively) and chamber choir. Chamber is the top group, and does more concerts than any of the others. We just sang at a concert today, that the other choirs didn’t. It was pretty awesome. We sang some gospel/soulful type songs (I sing because I’m happy, Shut de do’ (keep out da devil), Gloria in excelsis deo, and a song in Swahili called “Baba Yetu”) Anyways being in Chanber has been an amazing experience because it’s always so happy when we sing in harmony and work hard to sound great! Even if I’m the only one in the room that feels so elated.  (Haha)
  2. Getting accepted into my top choice college- This was an amazing feeling because they are actually the first college I had fully applied to, and they sent me an acceptance letter within a few weeks. They are a Christian college that, out of my state but still only a few hours away. They are a brethren affiliated school, and even though I don’t say I’m part of a specific denomination, I’ve worked with brethren affiliated churches before, some that are actually connected to this school, and I really liked the experience. 
  3. Campus Life- this has nothing to do with college (as people in my school used to and probably still do believe) but it’s a Christian encouragement group is how I always described us. We’ve also unofficially named ourselves “somewhat church” which is awesome… But unimportant. Anyways, this is my 4th year in this group, and this year the advisor is taking initiative to get us well versed in the Bible, (see what I did there? Ahahaha:)) she’s basing the lessons off this book called “God’s big picture” and telling the major points during the meetings. After the first meeting I felt I needed more than just a few major points and she let me borrow the book until she needs it for the next meeting.  I’m finding it very interesting and helpful. I may post about it sometime in the future. I just love that we are getting more involved with God this year than in years past. 
  4. My math class- in my opinion, a great class starts with a great teacher. A great teacher helps you learn the most. This year, my teacher is showing us the harder way to do the problems, and then the less complicated way. We are allowed to use the easier way on tests which I love because it means I make less mistakes. (It’s showing too because i have an A in his class, and I am usually one to get B’s or even C’s in math, which usually has to do with homework or mistakes on tests)
  5. Government- I find government kinda hilarious. My class for that is filled with a bunch of obnoxious boys and they act like they don’t know what they’re doing. I guess it’s not that important. The point is I thought I’d hate government but my teachers awesome and I’m doing well. And it’s actually more interesting than I thought. Especially when we do debates. Those are always very interesting
  6. Hi BibliophilicElephant! 🙂
  7. Also, Hi ZaddaPanda!!!
  8. Girl Meets World-  WHAT? Am I admitting to the world that I watched all 3 episodes of girl meets Texas as the premieres this weekend and was very engaged in every moment of it? Yes I am. I am not ashamed. I guess this isn’t actually related to it being my senior year though.
  9. I would say driving, but I don’t drive. 
  10. English- because I have the 2nd best English teacher I’ve ever had right now, and he just accepts that I’m a nerd for Harry Potter and didn’t even question my sonnet about the Fibonacci sequence (he didn’t even comment, lol, I actually got that assignment stamped right away)
  11. Friends- which doesn’t really include the lunchroom although the only time I’ve ever been able to sit with friends in the lunchroom is like 2 semesters out of 7. Oh well, it does include choir friends, and my good friend I see after school and my teacher-friend I usually visit after school. 
  12. Blogging-I should do it more, it relieves my stress. 

Well okay, that concludes my list for now! 

I’m sorry for my leave of absence readership! I’ll try and do better. 

You guys are awesome! Thank you! 🙂

A Book Series

Published September 21, 2015 by GenYMission

hello my readership. 

I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while. 

So actually, I’m up at 3am and can’t sleep I assume because I’m thinking too much. 

A lot of things have been going on lately (not bad things really, mostly good!)

So, one of those things is I got an acceptance letter from my first choice college! (And my happiness is very high)

Which isn’t actually the main point of this post. 

I need to ask you guys some questions. 

I was thinking about writing a book. Technically it would be a book series starring 5 of my original characters I have made. 

They would be non fiction books about neat topics.  (For example, I really want to do the Fibonacci sequence. ) 

So my first question is: would you guys be interested in buying something like that? Most funds will go towards my tuition/other college fees.  I don’t know what the price would be on one book yet. I’ll keep you updated. 

My second question: if you could learn about any one thing in the world, what would it be?

Thank you guys so much for your feedback. 

P.S. Even if you hate the idea, I’m probably going to try and go through with it 😉

Something to say

Published August 10, 2015 by GenYMission

Hey hey my dear readership!

Sorry for the long absence. I just need to tell you guys a few things. 

I love blogging. I only started it last year, but I actually tried a few times before this blog. It never succeeded like this one, but this one is the first one on WordPress. 

The thing is, things have already started to pick up for my senior year and the school year hasn’t even officially started yet. So, it being my senior year, it’s likely I’ll post less. 

The other thing is that, though I haven’t said it on here, I’ve been changing a lot. God has been changing me. 

I’ve gained confidence in who I am, and realized a lot of things. 

One thing is that I am my own person, and different from everyone else, but that doesn’t make me odd. Also the other part of my title, untainted just sounds kind of weird and doesn’t really describe who I am to the greatest degree. 

My point is, I want to keep blogging, but my life is going to really pick up in the next year and then the next year as well. This title isn’t working as well as I would like. So within the next year, I’m probably going to try and change it. I’m probably just going to make a new blog and direct people there with a link. 

Like I said though, I will continue to blog, because I just love the feeling. 

But on a brighter note, I’ll tell you guys what I’m thinking for my future. I’m thinking I will go to a state university and earn an education degree. As for which grade I want to teach, I have no idea. 

If any of you have experience teaching, I would love to get your opinions. As my dad thinks that every teacher regrets their teaching decision, although I know that’s not true. Do you teachers like what you do? Do you enjoy teaching? Is it worth it?

On slightly different note, how about staying in dorms as opposed to staying around home? Do any college students or past college students have any advoce about that?

I personally want to move into dorms to have that experience.

Alright guys, thank you for reading.

You are awesome!